NMT历史上的今天丨Plant J:拟南芥WRKY8与VQ9调节盐胁迫耐受性-自主发布-资讯-生物在线

NMT历史上的今天丨Plant J:拟南芥WRKY8与VQ9调节盐胁迫耐受性

作者:旭月(北京)科技有限公司 2020-03-09T11:03 (访问量:1536)



2013年03月02日,中科院西双版纳热带植物园余迪求、胡彦如用NMT在Plant Journal上发表了标题为Arabidopsis transcription factor WRKY8 functions antagonistically with its interacting partner VQ9 to modulate salinity stress tolerance的研究成果。

期刊:Plant Journal

标题:Arabidopsis transcription factor WRKY8 functions antagonistically with its interacting partner VQ9 to modulate salinity stress tolerance




点击观看 访谈:Plant Biotechnol J抗盐文章NMT思路


The WRKY transcription factors have been demonstrated to play crucial roles in regulating stress responses; however, the exact mechanisms underlying their involvement in stress responses are not fully understood.

Arabidopsis WRKY8 was predominantly expressed in roots and was highly upregulated by salt treatment. Disruption of WRKY8 rendered plants hypersensitive to salt, showing delayed germination, inhibited post‐germination development and accelerated chlorosis. Further investigation revealed that WRKY8 interacted with VQ9, and their interaction decreased the DNA‐binding activity of WRKY8.

The VQ9 protein was exclusively localized in the nucleus, and VQ9 expression was strongly responsive to NaCl treatment. Mutation of VQ9 enhanced tolerance to salt stress, indicating that VQ9 acts antagonistically with WRKY8 to mediate responses to salt stress. The antagonist functions of WRKY8 and VQ9 were consistent with an increased or reduced Na+/K+ concentration ratio, as well as contrasting expression patterns of downstream stress‐responsive genes in salt‐stressed wrky8 and vq9 mutants.

Moreover, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays showed that WRKY8 directly bound the promoter of RD29A under salt conditions. These results provided strong evidence that the VQ9 protein acts as a repressor of the WRKY8 factor to maintain an appropriate balance of WRKY8‐mediated signaling pathways to establish salinity stress tolerance.




VQ9蛋白专门位于细胞核中,并且VQ9表达对NaCl处理有强烈反应。VQ9突变增强了对盐胁迫的耐受性,表明VQ9与WRKY8拮抗,介导对盐胁迫的响应。WRKY8和VQ9的拮抗剂功能与Na+ / K+浓度比的增加或降低,以及盐胁迫的wrky8和vq9突变体中下游胁迫反应基因的相反表达模式一致。


(c) Net K+ efflux in root tips. Seeds were germinated on MS agar medium for 4 days in a vertical manner. The net immediate K+ efflux was measured using the non-injuring technique after the addition of salt. The insert shows the mean efflux rates within the measuring period of 0–20 min.



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